New Deadline, New Petition
Due to recent Snowpocalypses, the Somerville Zoning Board of Appeals meeting was rescheduled to March 14. That means we have an additional month to raise awareness and gather signatures on our new petition protesting the subdivision of One Benton Road in order to build an additional condo structure on a one-home lot.
Why a new petition? The original petition host was not adequate to meet our needs. If you already signed that one, your signature will still be counted, but if you prefer to sign the new one, I will be happy to remove the duplicate.
Thanks to everyone who's signed and supported us on this issue, as well as to those of my neightbors who have organized a letter-writing campaign. Let's git 'er done!
Why a new petition? The original petition host was not adequate to meet our needs. If you already signed that one, your signature will still be counted, but if you prefer to sign the new one, I will be happy to remove the duplicate.
Thanks to everyone who's signed and supported us on this issue, as well as to those of my neightbors who have organized a letter-writing campaign. Let's git 'er done!
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